Find lost inheritance left by your ancestors in financial institutions and change your life

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Ever wondered if your family held a fortune, forgotten by time?

Lost bank accounts or forgotten financial products with an unclaimed money. Many of these belong to owners who have passed away, moved, or haven’t been reachable for years, leaving financial institutions without a way to connect with potential heirs.

According to statistics, each 6th person has an unclaimed inheritance
left behind by their 
ancestors, but is unaware of it.

WIOLP is a global platform where you can find and claim your lost inheritance in any part of the world and connect with the relevant financial institution.

Current number of published accounts in WIOLP
The largest payout to a customer who found lost inheritance using WIOLP so far
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New accounts published every month in WIOLP
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Financial institutions join WIOLP

Banks and other financial institutions partner with us to securely share information about unclaimed money in bank accounts or forgotten financial products (dormant accounts). 

These accounts are gradually disclosed by the financial institutions themselves for a limited period of 1 to 5 years, giving potential heirs like you a chance to find them and claim your rightful inheritance before the funds are transferred to the government.

Every year, a significant number of new unclaimed accounts are added to our platform, ensuring the database is constantly updated with the latest information.

Search for dormant accounts

Simply enter your ancestor’s names into a search form, and our powerful search engine will scour the database to show you all accounts you potentially might be able to claim.

The search engine with filters (eg nationality, date of birth, or last residence) allows you to refine the results and determine the most relevant matches.

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AI Match Finder

AI Match Finder suggests combinations of names

To assist in your search, our AI Match Finder will analyze your query and suggest combinations of names that are relevant to you. 

This will help narrow down your search and increase your chances of finding a lost inheritance.

Contact the financial institution to claim found account

When you find a potential match, click the “Select” button, and we’ll send you an email with detailed information about the account and contact details for the relevant financial institution. Simply connect with them and provide the information from our email to begin the process of verifying your identity and claiming your inheritance.

Start now and find your lost inheritance

Why should you be the one looking for your lost inheritance?

Because we all have ancestors with a past. Some traveled for work or moved, build a successful life, others thought about the future and their descendants, or just saved money and you don’t even know it.

What if you are an heir? It’s more likely than you think.

Imagine discovering the lost inheritance of your ancestors in the form of lost bank accounts or forgotten financial products.
It could be an amount that changes your life and financial future.

Imagine the possibilities: a dream vacation, a debt-free future, buying a new house, or even the start of a study for your children.

Don’t leave your financial future to chance.

Are you missing the names of your ancestors?

Discover the missing names in your family history with the help of our partners.

Then, when searching for lost inheritance in our WIOLP database, use all the names of your ancestors that you’ve found. The more information you have, the more likely you are to find a potential match.

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